map-the-fallen1As this Memorial Day becomes a memory, I would like to share with you a profound graphic that uses Google Earth to honor the more than 5,700 American and Coalition servicemen and women that have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I recognize that this map is just a slice of the story associated with this war. The Iraqi and Afghan people have incurred substantial civilian losses; there are also U.S. and Coalition civilians, contractors, and reporters who have died as well. This visual focuses on the U.S. and Coalition military casualties, recognizing that the losses extend beyond what is depicted on the map.

Please take a look at this graphic, and reflect on the stories of heroism and sacrifice made across this nation and across the world. Although this map only shows the hometowns of the warriors who died, it’s important to remember that each of these servicemen and women have a rich story in between.

As we’re all reminded:

There’ll be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read them. But all that is going to matter is that little dash between them. Life is short at best and these valiant warriors have paid the supreme price.


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