We begin our 12 hour R/T into the heart of the city. I go with some hesitation…

Will write about the experience tomorrow.


3 Responses to “Hanoi, Vietnam”

  1. Chris on January 7th, 2009 3:53 pm

    I’ve been reading about your trip since departure last week. Sounds like quite the adventure so far. I know Vietnam will be tough but maybe a little healing. I’m looking forward to reading more stories and seeing some pictures. Good luck and enjoy the rest of your trip.

  2. Nord Hjerleid on January 8th, 2009 7:06 am

    It sounds like quite a trip so far. I’m still placing books out there for you. Saw Robbie yesterday and gave him a book. I’m going to drop off a stack to him next week for co-signm’t next week. Saw Stan & Lee Ann and they now have your book. Pheasant hunting was great. Wind has been blowing like crazy. Ft. Collins has been hit hard with wind also. Boulder county is on fire as of early afternoon yesterday (Wednesday). Still burning this a.m. Two houses lost to the fire, 900 homes evacuated. Winds knocked down a power pole with a transformer….just an update in the Rockies.

  3. Tony on January 8th, 2009 9:49 pm

    Thanks for the update!
    Computer internet access is very slow over here!