By Janet J. Seahorn, Ph.D.


By now everyone reading this blog has heard of Coronavirus or COVID-19. We have seen a huge amount of information that has bombarded our airways, newspapers, businesses, and neighborhoods over the last months. Listening to the news, hearing the concern in many people’s voices led me to address this situation in our blog. Therefore, it is incredibly important to be cautious in determining FACT vs. FEAR.

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The only measure that I use to determine the difference is to read, listen and see the information in several different sources… not just relying on the newspaper, the television, even the government or doctors.  If varied sources report the information in a clear and decisive way and I can collaborate the evidence through multiple sources then that data can go into my FACT jar. Some information is so slanted or aligned with radical conspiracy theory, I know it isn’t accurate or is being used to promote a personal agenda.


This is definitely not a time for blame. Things happen in life that are unpredictable and scary and certainly blame does not solve the problem. Blame only keeps us from addressing reality and the root cause of the problem.  Because the COVID-19 is new, we don’t have enough solid knowledge about what it is, how it is transmitted, how long it will last or how it can be successfully treated.  As a researcher, the only way we will get this information is through time, watching, listening, making comparisons with various groups, countries, and medical personnel to determine how best to combat this  illness. As humans we don’t like NOT KNOWING everything about what is dangerous.  We often make things up just so we feel comfortable or empowered.  Not a good strategy at all.


In early January I became very ill due to a severe reaction to an infusion I was being administered for pain.  It literally tanked my immune system.  I have had a sore throat and laryngitis for over seven weeks (think my husband and dogs are using this as an excuse for not “hearing” me).  I have had more doctor appointments than I want to count including a stay in the hospital and ICU because I became dehydrated and my blood pressure became dangerously low.  I am definitely in that “high risk” group due to having a very low immune system.   Even with this risk I am not panicked.  I have a healthy concern to be aware of when and where I go every day, but I refuse to not see each day as a gift to enjoy and use.


On my computer I have had two sayings for the last many years:

I don’t want to not live in fear of what could happen.” Laird Hamilton

FEAR – False Expectations Appearing Real… Meet fear with love and trust and it will disappear.  Old Crone Cards

It is important to remember this illness is not an American, Chinese, Italian or other country’s problem, it is a world problem.  When we work together, when we show kindness and compassion to others, when we do whatever we can to support our neighbors and community, then and only then will we be able to move forward with confidence and courage to get through this period of unrest and anxiety.


Stay healthy, both physically and emotionally.



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