mtbiLast blog we focused on Traumatic Brain Injuries and how similar they can be to the symptoms of Post-traumatic Brain Disorders. To help demonstrate these similarities I have created a chart of Similarities and Differences.

Much of the information is taken from our book, Tears of a Warrior: A Family’s Story of Combat and Living with PTSDand soon to be released new book  by Laura Whittemore and Mary Ann Keatley, PhD, CCC, Recovering from Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI): A Handbook of Hope for Our Military Warriors and Their Families”.

The Whittemore/Keatley book will give some helpful information on MTBIs including numerous questionnaires to assist individuals in recognizing if they need to seek medical services.

Note: Differences will be highlighted in Yellow (MTBIs) and Green (PTSD)

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI)

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


Physical Symptoms

·         Headaches

·         Loss of balance

·         Vision problems

·         Dizziness

·         Loss of sex drive

·         Loss of energy

·         Easily fatigued

·         Sensitivity to light, sound, touch

·         Sleep disturbances

Physical Symptoms

·         Headaches

·         Loss of sex drive

·         Loss of energy

·         Easily fatigued

·         Sleep disturbances

·         High blood pressure

·         Difficulty with digestion

·         Lower immune systems

·         High or lower levels of cortisol

Emotional Symptoms

·         Depression

·         Mood swings, outbursts

·         Fearfulness

·         Apathy

·         Low motivation

·         Gullibility

·         Feeling easily overloaded

·         Anxiety, frustration

·         Difficulty managing emotions

·         Hyper vigilance, exaggerated startle response

·         Sense of helplessness

·         Loss of sense of self, low self-esteem

·         Nightmares

·         Anger

Emotional Symptoms

·         Depression

·         Mood swings, outbursts

·         Fearfulness

·         Apathy

·         Low motivation

·         Feeling easily overloaded

·         Anxiety, frustration

·         Difficulty managing emotions

·         Hyper vigilance, exaggerated startle response

·         Sense of helplessness

·         Loss of sense of self, low self-esteem

·         Nightmares

·         Anger

·         Panic Attacks

Cognitive Symptoms

·         Memory loss

·         Short attention span

·         Slowed thinking

·         Disorientation

·         Brain fatigue

·         Forgetfulness

·         Difficulty driving due to brain injury

·         Word finding and spelling difficulties

·         Impaired comprehension

·         Inability to organize thoughts

·         Inability to multitask

·         Inability to inhibit certain behaviors (i.e., excessive shopping, gambling…)

·         Difficulty with abstract thinking

Cognitive Symptoms

·         Memory loss

·         Short attention span

·         Slowed thinking

·         Disorientation

·         Brain fatigue

·         Forgetfulness

·         Difficulty driving due to combat trauma…

·         Word finding and spelling difficulties

·         Impaired comprehension

·         Inability to organize thoughts

·         Inability to multitask

·         Inability to inhibit certain behaviors (i.e., excessive drinking, use of drugs both prescribed & illegal)

·         Difficulty with abstract thinking

As you can readily see when you review the chart, the similarities are numerous which is why getting the most accurate diagnosis is critical. Treatment will differ by therapy options as well as prescribed medications. Improper identification can result in serious setbacks which may compound the individual’s ability to heal and recover from his/her injuries.


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