Thursday, February 12, 2009 @10:00 AM (MST)

“Walking A Walk”

Quote of the week:  “We are now back on American soil, and again, we are reminded of how very much we love this country.  Visiting Vietnam and Cambodia made it clear how very precious freedom is to a country, a people, and to us as individuals.  To all those who have served America or are currently serving our great country abroad, thank you.” – Tony and Janet Seahorn, upon their return to the USA following their tour of SE Asia

 This Week on “Walking A Walk” -This is it!… We’ve been letting you know about this special 2-hour edition of “Walking A Walk” for several weeks now, and it’s finally here!  This week, our very special guests are Tony and Janet Seahorn, authors of the new book “Tears of a Warrior” (A Family’s Story of Combat and Living with PTSD).  If you are a veteran who’s been struggling with PTSD or a TBI, or you know someone who is, please… tune in to this conversation with this remarkable couple!  This is a cannot miss show!

Tony is a Vietnam vet (Dauntless Black Lions of the 1st Infantry Division) who has coped with his PTSD for more than three decades.  Tony served in Nam from early 1968 until he was seriously wounded in December of that year.  He was decorated for his service, earning two Bronze Stars, two Purple Hearts, an Air Medal for Valor in Flight, a Vietnamese Gallantry Cross, and a Presidential Unit Citation.

Janet is an educator, wife, mother and homemaker who has struggled for all those years beside Tony to try to help him cope with his PTSD.  Indeed, in the early years, they didn’t even know what to call it… just that something was seriously wrong.  Only in the past few years, a decade at most, has professional help and understanding of this disorder been forthcoming.

Their book is the chronicle of their path… “Our life’s journey for the past thirty-some years. We began writing our story several years back simply as a legacy for our two sons. But, with the Iraq war and soldiers returning from combat, we realized that there are many others who are now living our experience as well. Some certainly have more traumatic stories than ours. Combat PTSD is the silent bullet you never hear.”

In January, Tony and Janet took a significant and challenging tour of Southeast Asia, including a return to Vietnam – We’ll include their “trip report” in our conversation, and we’ll get their impressions and experiences in the land where Tony, along with so many brave American soldiers, friends and comrades, once fought a war.

This special broadcast just may hold some nuggets of hope for those vets and first responders who suffer from PTSD and TBI.  Please, help us get the word out about this week’s show, and encourage anyone you know whom it might help to listen in – Your call-ins are welcome too!

Join us this Thursday at 10:00am MT, February 12th, with Janet and Tony on “Walking A Walk“!  Please, invite your friends, family, combat vets and first responders to join us for this important conversation.

Brought to you by American Military Family, Inc. (, and funded in part by a generous grant from Intermountain Rural Electric Association (IREA).  Castle Rock Radio, Community Programming with a World Wide Reach!


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