By Janet J. Seahorn, Ph.D.

Today has been quite special.  We spent the day with hundreds of other veterans and their families along with the community viewing the traveling Vietnam Wall. It is the second time Fort Collins, CO has been honored by the wall’s presence.

For many it will be the only Vietnam Wall 2017time they are able to see the full list of those who died serving their country in a faraway land known as Vietnam. The cost of all wars is much more than somber. Even today our young men and women continue to serve in similar faraway lands.

Yet, some Americans have forgotten the cost of freedom. As a nation, fewer have served than not served and those who have served their families have also served.  Kinfolk have had to endure the intense anxiety and loneliness of days without a loved one. Nights spent wondering and praying their beloved person is safe.

It is important, not just on Memorial Day or Veteran’s Day, we think about our veterans and their families.  We must think about the sacrifices these individuals have made in behalf of our country and for each of us. We must think about and understand that Freedom is far from free. We need to recognize others have paid a significant price for our liberties; a price that allows the rest of us to enjoy a life of peace, prosperity, and security.  And we need to make sure we live our days in ways that honor the privilege of being able to be in such a great country.

Bailey and Tony by statue

A thank you, also, to our first responders and their families – your daily support makes a huge difference to our cities and communities.Bailey by army symbol


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