After Christmas I will begin to write about the characteristics, challenges, and stories of living with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  Right now, however, it is the Christmas Season.  A season of the coming of Christ and all the hope and love that this symbolizes regardless of a religious belief – as I believe that the spirit of humanity is called many names and appears to various peoples and cultures in a multitude of forms and beliefs. There will be ample time after the holidays to talk about the many faces of trauma.  What we need now is more compassion and kindness for all of mankind.  So it is with the spirit of this special time of year that I ask each person reading this blog to light one candle of HOPE every day until the New Year.  As the small flame glows, say a small prayer for every person who is away from home in a far away country struggling to bring freedom to others.  Say a prayer for the well-being of their families that each will be comforted with the warmth of confidence and trust that their loved one will return safe and sound.  Then say another prayer for those innocent people whose homelands have been destroyed by violence and war.  For they are wounded themselves and suffer as well.  And keep in mind this special quote by Noah benShea, “We are people with lanterns going in search of a light”.  For any veteran who has fought in combat and suffered the long-term memories of war, I am sure that each one has a special wish everyday of the year – Peace on earth, good will towards man.  Now that would be some miracle.  Imagine!


One Response to “Light a Candle”

  1. Tony on December 24th, 2008 8:49 pm

    You continue to be an inspiration with the special Christmas message. Thanks for remembering those in harm’s way this holiday season. Yes, it is truly the reason for the season!